Lost Dog Gallery
We designed and developed a sophisticated marketing site for a local art gallery using Craft CMS, tailored to enhance the gallery's online presence and streamline its operations. The site features an elegant and user-friendly design that highlights the gallery's exhibitions and events, providing visitors with easy access to information about upcoming shows, artist profiles, gallery news, and a Craft commerce shop.
Email & Subscription Lists
Users can signup for subscription emails on the site. Email addresses are sent to a Brevo subscription list using an Statamic integration. Monthly emails are sent containing updates on upcoming events, featured artists, and Lost Dog Gallery news.

This site includes a dedicated upcoming events section, showcasing featured exhibitions, artist talks, and special gallery events. A fully navigable events calendar allows visitors to explore past, current, and future events with ease. Each event page provides detailed information, including dates, times, descriptions, and links for RSVPs or ticket purchases when applicable.

The site features an animated splash screen on the homepage, powered by our Daring Designs Rive Statamic addon. This integration enables rich, interactive animations with smooth HTML Canvas output, enhancing user engagement with fluid motion and mouse effects.

Get in Touch
Ready to elevate your online presence? Contact us today to discuss your project and see how we can help you achieve your digital goals.